
Does Backflow occur often?

YES! Backflow is a constant possibility in virtually any plumbing system, and cannot generally be engineered out of a systemwithout the installation and maintenance of appropriate backflow devices or measures. Backflow incidents most often are caused when water pressure is lost temporarily, which allows back-siphonage to occur.

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

What is cross-connection control and backflow all about?

Water is ordinarily distributed in one direction: from the water supplier to the consumer. However, it is not uncommon for this to be changed by various hydraulic conditions. The flow of water may be reversed in times of low pressure or flow interruption, flowing from the consumer back to the water supplier. If this consumer [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

What is a cross-connection?

Any permanent or temporary connection between the potable water and any other non-potable fluid or substance is a cross-connection. A feed line to a cooling tower, a lawn sprinkler system or a hose dropped into a pesticide tank are some examples.

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

What causes backflow?

During the event the city water main has a break in the pipe, the pressure in the pipe can change and cause a backflow and cause things to siphon into the water mains. When a house is on fire, the fire department connects to the fire hydrant and starts pulling water from the system, this [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

What is backflow?

 Backflow is simply the reversal of the normal flow of potable water. It can be harmful or deadly if chemicals or bacteria are back-siphoned into the potable water through a cross-connection with a non-potable source. Backflow devices are used in fire sprinkler suppression systems, Lawn irrigation sprinkler systems, and domestic water for all residential and [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments


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