

The cost of a backflow prevention device for residential protection can be anywhere from $100-$200.00 dollars plus the cost of having a licensed plumber install it. Backflow devices for other applications may be substantially more expensive.

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

What are the Potential Hazards of not having a Backflow Prevention Device?

Contamination or pollution of a water system is usually brought about by a cross-connection to any systems containing auxiliary water supplies which may be polluted or contaminated; irrigation systems which may be polluted or contaminated with fertilizers, pesticides or other objectionable materials. Thus, using a hose-attached sprayer for application of pesticides, solvents, cleaning products, etc; [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

Why do I need to test my backflow assemblies?

The state regulations and/or the Uniform Plumbing Code require testing all assemblies annually. But regulations aside, keeping all of your assemblies in good condition not only reduces your legal liability exposure, it also lowers your actual maintenance costs as well. It's smart to catch problems while they're minor, rather than wait until an emergency arises, [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

What are my on-site backflow assemblies for?

On-site assemblies are devices installed in your facilities at the point of cross connection to prevent on-site backflow occurrences. It is these devices that actually provide protection to your staff and/or customers, rather than the assemblies at the meter, which protect the city main lines. The plumbing code requires that on site assemblies be tested [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

What is the impact of the Backflow Codes?

Water purveyors have started cross-connection control programs, and must mandate the installation and annual testing of backflow devices at the user's meter for system protection, wherever an actual or a potential backflow hazard exists on site.

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

Is my company liable for backflow incidents?

YES! Property owners who fail to maintain their plumbing systems up to code, or fail to install backflow assemblies where needed or to test these assemblies annually are generally liable for backflow incidents on site, regardless of the actual cause of the incident. Landlords who do not adequately monitor the activities of tenants on site [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

How can I protect my commercial building’s backflow preventer?

Although there is no perfect solution to eliminate the theft of the units, and, in fact, those who have taken the measures outlined below have still experienced the loss of the valves, the following actions are being recommended by law enforcement, landscapers and plumbers: Enclose your backflow valve(s) with a protective cage (if you haven't [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

Why purchase a cage to cover my backflow prevention device?

Today, thousands of dollars are spent replacing or fixing stolen or damaged backflow preventer devices and backflow valves. Left unprotected, your backflow device is extremely vulnerable for theft. The Guardian Enclosure cage™ is designed to shield your backflow device safely and aesthetically. A backflow preventer with a security box can protect your company's backflow device [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

Who Need a backflow preventer?

Installation of an approved backflow preventer is required at the service connection to any premise where there is an auxiliary supply or system – even if there is no connection or cross-connection. For example, anyone with an alternate source of water such as a well, spring, stream, etc., or anyone with an irrigation system, or [...]

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments

Are Backflow incidents dangerous?

YES! Backflow incidents across the country often lead to property damage, injuries and even death. In the worst backflow incident on record, over 1500 persons became ill and 98 persons died. Trade journals and magazines reveal new cases every month.

By |August 8th, 2014|0 Comments


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